Tag Archives: dictum

New DICTUM catalogue – Tools and more

dictum catalogue tools werkzeug - es lebe das handwerkdictum catalogue tools werkzeug- nicht einfach nur werkzeugdictum catalogue tools werkzeug-exklusive Handwerkskunst schafft außergewöhnliches WerkzeugNew DICTUM catalogue – Tools and more:
Wow! Amazing what DICTUM put together in their new catalogue. If you are into tools, knifes or axes there is probably not a finer selection of brands from all over the world put together in one catalogue. A lot of German, American, Scandinavian, Japanese and English brands, all with an amazing drive towards perfection. All got their price but you will get what you pay! And if you plan to buy tools which your son might still able to use with joy and pride – get them now!
(copyright of the images all by Dictum)