Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knife

Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 014 Herder Windmühlen Frühstücksmesser Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 016 Robert Herder Carbon Solingen Germany Breakfast Knife Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 018 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 019 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 020 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 021 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 022 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 023 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 024 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 025 Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knifes 026

Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knife / Frühstücksmesser

Today at breakfast my little sister Greta complained about that she did not get a Frühstücksmesser from me YET! So I went into my inventory, got her one and engraved it. (ok i can work on this skills). Above you see 3 different aged ones, Geta´s brand new one, the one I use since about a year, and my first one used for about 2 years before I broke it.

Honestly having breakfast or performing with small amounts of sausage, cheese, butter and jelly/marmelade without this knife results in panic or unsatisfactionary results. Why?

1. They are sharp, not razor sharp (which is sure possible to get them that way) but sharp enough to cut fine slices of hard salami which most 3 times bigger chefknifes might struggle.

2. The “Buckelsklinge” shape of the tip of the blade is just perfect to distribute butter and other semi liquid stuff on your slice of bread.

3. The blade got sharpened all the way to the cutting edge not just a quick e.g. 45 degree angle which goes blunt too quickly. (it is called the Solinger Dünnschliff)

4. They just look great after some time of usage, no need to say you have to go for the carbon version!

5. They take some care but they are worth it! From time to time add some olive oil to the cherry tree handle and if too rusty just go with some steelwool over the blade (not the cutting area).

6. Never press too hard to press down cold “Leberwurst” or you might break the blade – shame on me.

Enough said, you might not be able to understand the use or the fascination for this knife before you have tried it, but I guarantee you and your friends and family will go after it. Make sure to protect it well or supply them. (I guess I gave already +20 of them away)

Ah and one simple and last advice, take care as I written above it is a sharp knife not as the Breafast knifes you used to use!

You might wonder why I did not have listed Manufactum (where I fist saw and bought this knife – they are out of stock) or Robert Herder Solingen (new website under construction).

1 thought on “Herder Windmühlen Breakfast Knife

  1. Pingback: Herder Buckelsklingen Messer / Knifes | be-cause - style, travel, collecting and food blog

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